Will MCP stay for the long term?

MCP is an open protocol that standardizes how applications provide context to LLMs. Think of MCP like a USB-C port for AI applications. Just as USB-C provides a standardized way to connect your devices to various peripherals and accessories, MCP provides a standardized way to connect AI models to different data sources and tools. Based on the context, AI agents can decide which tools to use, in what order, and how to chain them together to accomplish a task. MCP also introduced a human-in-the-loop capabilities for humans to provide additional data and approve execution. With the right set of MCP servers, users can turn every MCP client into an “everything app.”

MCP took inspiration from the Language Server Protocol (LSP), where typing in an editor can trigger the editor to query the language server(usually an extension) for autocomplete suggestions, function definitions or linting. MCP is more LLM centric and execution focused for agents. LSP is mostly reactive(server only reacts to inputs) whereas MCP is designed for multi-step autonomous workflows (automatically decide which tools to use and the sequence of usage).

Another way to look at MCP is as a TCP/IP layer for agent communication. It replaces custom API connectors with a uniform MCP standard and enables you to connect your LLM to anything. It reduces development effort (write custom code for each API vs Connect to pre-built MCP servers), helps in context Management(manually maintain context between calls vs protocol maintains session context automatically) and error Handling (handle each API’s unique error patterns vs standardized error handling across services). This post is about whether MCP as a standard will stay and whether dev tools companies will build around it.

I see two kind of worlds. An Apple like closed ecosystem where there are proprietary ways for AI agents to interact with tools/resources (which OpenAI is pursuing) and an Android type situation where you have open standards (which the tools/apps etc will support) and everybody builds on top. I believe both of them will co-exist but we are mainly concerned with whether MCP will exist in the latter world.

The biggest bull case for MCP is the adoption momentum today. The spec is evolving super fast, it came with 100s of example implementations by the AI labs itself and its super easy to implement (basic HTTP rest api types and its just a standard for the explanation of the parameters and tools for any client ), so we have crazy developer engagement. Its also one of the first LLM specific API standard. First mover matters in standards (ex: we are still stuck with BGP for internet routing depsite its numerious flaws)

What do we need for MCP to win?


Future predictions for the MCP stack
